Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Ryanair calls on European Commission to reduce regulatory burden also on Alghero Airport

Ryanair, called on 14 October 14th, 2008 on the European Commission to reduce the regulatory burden and costs on airlines and to embark upon anti-consumer scams such as fuel surcharges and screenscraper mis-selling in order to keep Europe’s air fares low during this recession. Ryanair also called on the EU Commission to urgently address and reverse many of the expensive, anti-consumer regulations introduced in recent years which have added significantly to the cost of all air travel within Europe, while delivering minimal passengers benefits. Such measures would include to take away the 7 State Aid investigations against Ryanair’s contracts at small regional airports including: Alghero, Palau, Frankfurt/Hahn, among others, Peanuts Online reported.

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